You will need red-blue 3D glasses to view these images.  Red is for the left eye, blue is for the right eye.

When looking at 3D image, allow several seconds for eyes to adjust, to get the maximum 3D effect.

Testing your 3D glasses (and / or your computer display):

Look through your glasses.  Close your right eye.  Look through the red lens with your left eye.  You should be able to see this paragraph clearly, but the blue paragraph should be almost or completely invisible. Look through your glasses.  Close your left eye.  Look through the blue lens with your right eye.  You should be able to see this paragraph clearly, but the red paragraph should be almost or completely invisible.

(1) The ideal red lens has peak transmission (> 80 %) at 670 nm with less than 1% transmission between 410 nm - 520 nm. (Standard photographic filter #26)

(2) The ideal blue lens has peak transmission (> 55 %) at 410 nm with less than 1% transmission between 560 nm - 675 nm.  (Standard photographic filter #83)

Every pixel / object in the picture has a blue part (to the left) and a red part (to the right).  The farther apart the blue and red images are, the closer the object appears.  At infinite distance, the red and blue merge, and there is only one image.